woensdag 1 juni 2011

Amigurumi books & inspiration notebook

Yesterday was my birthday. So I asked amigurumi books. Or actually, I didn't ask them, I just got them. (Thank you Naomi!) So I wanted to tell you about the books I got.

The first book I got is written by Ana Paula Rimoli. Ever heard of her? I think she is one of the most greatest amigurumi-makers. She is the pattern-maker of these little cuties. It is just so cute, so I am very happy with that book.

The other book is written by Brigitte Read. That book is also amazing. There are so many animals in there, and they look al so real! There is also a platypus in there, so I'll make that for sure. It will be blue-greenish with a had.. Like Perry! (If you don't know already that I'm addicted to Phineas and Ferb, then look here at number 1.) There are also guinea-pigs, birds, cows and loads of more in there.

By the way, do you know those moments that you don't know what to crochet? For that moments, I made a inspiration notebook. Actually, I just started it, but that doesn't matter. It is just a notebook with in there drawings that people (my brother, mother, myself) made, for inspiration. There are also pictures in there and information for myself about crochet. Out of that book, the inspiration for the little monster came and for the penguin.

Well, that's it for today. Soon I'll be posting the pattern for these ones. (up here!)

Love, Marjolein.

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